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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wanna put your work in the upcoming Watchmen movie?

With the Watchmen movie currently in post-production, the director has issued a challenge to everyone to use assets, which they have provided, to create a unique and cool looking commercial for Veidt Industries (those of you who have read the novel will recognize this as Ozymandias' company) to be used in the film. There's all types of prizes and with the grand prize of actually showing up on the film. Check out the site here to download the assets and to get all the official rules. Who knows, maybe something you created will end up on the big screen. And if you do create something, please send us a link so we can post up here and help you with the voting. I mean, check out the sample they've provided:

Yeah, you can do better than that! So get crackin'!

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